Franklin Fox Forest Fun: A playful journey for little adventurers.

The Franklin story has been reimagined, through whimsical and colorful illustrations. Click below to learn more!

Available on Amazon!

Franklin Fox Forest Fun: Learn the ABCs

Franklin goes on another adventure through the forest learning about animals and the ABCs along the way. Click below to learn more!

Available on Amazon!

Meet the Author:

Sorry Aree was born and raised between Buffalo, NY and Las Vegas, NV. When she wasn’t in the beautiful snow in Buffalo, she was in the sunny mountains of Las Vegas. At a young age is where she found her joy in making anything by herself, clothes, pillows, art, and more! And that has gone all the way into her adult years. Now being a mother of an 8-year-old, the DIYs are more elaborate and grand.

She was always into reading and had a decent collection of books. Once her daughter was born her love of children’s books took over and she wanted to create them herself. While she did write them here and there. It wasn’t until now that she decided to start publishing. Franklin Fox Forest Fun is Sorry Aree’s first Book.

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